Vaginal Rejuvenation


Vaginal rejuvenation refers to any procedure that changes or alters the vaginal anatomy and this refers to not just the vaginal canal but the surrounding external structures as well including the labia and mons.

Childbirth and age can have dramatic effects on the appearance and function of a woman’s vagina. Some women want to try to reverse these aging related changes and vaginal rejuvenation is the field of cosmetic and plastic surgery that aims to help tighten the vagina, stop incontinence, and even eliminate age related vaginal dryness that may happen after menopause. This also includes lasers and creams that help enhance orgasms and lasers and surgeries to tighten the muscles of the vagina and improve its appearance.


Sounds great! Sign me up!

Wait are there risks?


Recently the FDA has taken a strong stance against lasers and other nonsurgical devices being used for the purposes of vaginal rejuvenation. While these lasers have been FDA approved previously for treating cancer in the genitals and in removing genital warts (often associated with HPV), they are increasingly being marketed for purposes like vaginal dryness and healing with no scientific evidence that they work! These lasers to reshape vagina not only might not work but more importantly the FDA warns of potential serious side effects including burns, scarring, pain during sex, and chronic pain. The University of Utah currently recommends against the use of vaginal lasers/devices for vaginal rejuvenation given limited research and safety data.


What about surgical options for vaginal rejuvenation/reconstruction?


Surgical options have been around longer than the nonsurgical approaches with a lot more years of data and research. For some procedures satisfaction rates post-operatively are over 90%!


  1. Labiaplasty -Labiaplasty is surgery of the labia minora that results in shorter labia that no longer hang down below the level of the labia majora. The surgery not only can improve cosmetic appearance but also helps relieve symptoms from twisting and tugging of their labia while sitting or riding a bike for example. Satisfaction rate of this surgery is over 90% with the most common complication being over-resection (cutting the labia minora too short). Women can resume having sex within 4-6 weeks after the procedure.


  1. Clitoral hood reduction – This procedure is often done with labiaplasty. In some patients doing just a labiaplasty without a clitoral hood reduction can result in a top-heavy look. The clitoral hood reduction can add balance. This procedure when done with labiaplasty also has a satisfaction rate over 90%.


  1. Labia majoraplasty – This procedure works on the labia majora which surround the labia minora. The surgery result in tighter, smaller labia majora and involves eliminating excess skin. This improves the drooping of the labia majora when the patient is standing. Women can resume sex in 4-6 weeks.


  1. Monsplasty – Some women complain of a bulge of skin and fat in the mons (upper part of the vulva). A monsplasty reduces this fat or skin and depending on the patient can either remove an extensive amount of skin/fat or a simple liposuction. Recovery is generally a week but certain physical restrictions may be lifted within 2-6 weeks depending on how extensive of a procedure was performed.


  1. Vaginoplasty – Perhaps the most common vaginal rejuvenation procedure and likely the reason you’re still reading this, this surgery physically tightens the vaginal canal which can help enhance sexual satisfaction. After childbirth the vaginal canal may become more lax especially with multiple child births and this is the result of stretching of tissues and separation of muscles. In some patients this is very distressing and tampons may even fall out. A vaginoplasty brings the separated muscles and tissues together and excess skin can be removed at the same time. This procedure requires at least 1-2 weeks of down time postoperatively and no sex for 8 weeks. Depending on how much tightening is done, women may need to use dilators in the post-op period!


Here at MDLingo we believe in the informed consumer and the informed patient. We believe blanket statements don’t apply to everyone and want you to be aware of all your options and their risks. Vaginal issues can be very distressing to women and they should be aware of all their options – both nonsurgical and surgical. Results can vary in the hands of different surgeons.


If you or someone you know has had success with any of the above surgeries or even the nonsurgical procedures like lasers or injections please let us know below.


You can find a list of American Board of Plastic Surgery Certified surgeons with years of experience in vaginal rejuvenation here:


*The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of, its affiliates, or its employees.